Maximum surface flatness ensures ideal contact area for the wafer. The extremely rigid ERS chucks are easily able to withstand the thermal and force stresses encountered in the use of high pin-count probe cards.
ERS chuck systems are available for both extremely high and extremely low temperatures. For analytical probing applications, ERS also offers various temperature ranges between -65 °C to +400 °C.
For analytical and production test applications calling for fast temperature change, cooling and heating times become particularly important for wafer test throughput. ERS' know-how in heat-exchanger technology and air flow management are behind the fast ramping times.
Constant temperature distribution across the ERS chuck assures that the same base conditions apply to every chip on the wafer during test. ERS systems typically offer temperature uniformity of better than ± 0.5 °C across a 300 mm chuck.
Experience in test measurement technology provides ERS systems with the best electrical performance on its chucks. Additionally, the use of low-noise DC temperature controlling and electrically quiet air-cooling ensures that the systems are suitable for testing in the femto-Ampere range.
Air-cooled systems from ERS have recorded MTBF values of more than 50,000 hours – almost six years uptime without interruption.
Thanks to the AC² efficient heat exchanging technology, ERS chillers can provide chuck temperatures down to -65 °C at an impressively small footprint unmatched by other thermal wafer chuck systems.
The patented AC² technology also allows for a high degree of integration into industry standard wafer probers, further shrinking the clean room footprint.